A cavity described as a 'sinkhole' has appeared on the lockside of Lock 19w at Friezland in Saddleworth. Presumably this has been caused by water leaking out of the lock chamber eroding the ground at the side of the lock.
The Canal and River Trust's contractors will start work on grouting the cavity next week. The work is expected to take three weeks.
Between Monday 7th September and Friday 26th September boat passage through Lock 19w will be restricted to:
* Before 8.00 am
* Between 1.00 and 2.00 pm
* After 4.30 pm
Boaters would be advised to moor above Lock 21w or below Lock 15w if arriving early and should not attempt to moor in the short, shallow pound below Lock 19w. About 25 minutes should be allowed from above Lock 21w or about 45 minutes from below Lock 15w, depending on crew.

Lock 19w, Royal George Highest Lock at Friezland, Saddleworth.