It has been found that the wooden cills to the bottom gates at Lock 32 west (Diggle) have failed and filling the lock is becoming more difficult. BW has decided to replace the cills now, before passage becomes impossible.
The lock will be closed to navigation from 2.00 pm Wednesday 23rd to 12.00 noon Friday 25th June. This stoppage will affect boaters passing through Standedge Tunnel. Boaters with tunnel bookings should contact BW for advice on whether this will affect their booking.
Any enquiries regarding this stoppage should be made to BW on 01782 785703.
Update 22nd June:
In addition to the stoppage shown above, BW will be making similar repairs to Lock 22w at Uppermill, where the quoins have failed, making filling difficult. Lock 22w will be closed from 7.30 am Thursday 24th June to 12.00 noon Friday 25th June.

Lock 32w at Diggle
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