There had been worries that the Rochdale Canal might be next to run out of water. Passage across the Summit has been restricted and BW had not been taking bookings beyond mid-August. However, BW is now confident enough that water supplies can be maintained that bookings are now being taken for passages across the Summit up to the end of August. Phone BW on 01782 785703 if you wish to make a booking. BW will contact boaters who have made provisional bookings to see if these are still required.
The current restriction of two boats a day in each direction announced a month ago will continue for the foreseeable future. BW also warns that, even though bookings are being taken, passage cannot be guaranteed, because of the ongoing water situation.
BW warns that emergency works are also being targeted at repairs to prevent water loss and that these works may lead to short stoppages.
The stoppage last month at Sowerby Bridge has now been resolved by a temporary pumping scheme but boaters should be patient if they experience any temporary shortage of water.
BW also urges boaters to help matters by ensuring that all paddles are fully closed after use.

Badly leaking gate on Rochdale Canal
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