Heavy rain sweeping across the country yesterday has raised water levels on the river navigations of Yorkshire.
Flood gates have been closed along the Aire and Calder Navigation and the Calder and Hebble Navigation.
The "Don Doors" - the guillotine gates at each end of the Don Aqueduct on the New Junction Canal, had been closed but were re-opened earlier today.
Further heavy rainfall has been forecast to fall on Saturday onto already saturated ground. It is therefore possible that flood gates will remain closed over the weekend or that any flood gates that are re-opened may be closed again.
Anyone requiring information about the latest situation should contact the Canal and River Trust on 0303 0404040.
Update 26th November:
The "Don Doors" on the New Junction Canal have been closed again today due to extremely high water levels.
The flood locks on the Calder & Hebble Navigation will remain closed today.
The flood locks on the Aire & Calder Navigation will remain closed today.
Update 27th November:
The "Don Doors" on the New Junction Canal will remain closed today.
The flood locks on the Calder & Hebble Navigation will remain closed today.
The flood locks on the Aire & Calder Navigation will remain closed today.
Update 30th November:
The "Don Doors" on the New Junction Canal have been opened today. The Canal and River Trust has started to re-open flood locks on the Aire & Calder Navigation.

Greenwood Flood Lock on the Calder and Hebble Navigation
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