Following a series of stone-throwing incidents at Burnley Embankment, police are asking for the canal across Yorkshire Street aqueduct to be "gated off".
Youngsters recently threw stones at traffic from the aqueduct which carries the Leeds and Liverpool Canal across this busy road midway along Burnley Embankment. A bus and a car had their windscreens smashed.
The Burnley Citizen reports that police are to meet with British Waterways "to try to get them to gate off the section of the canal where the viaduct goes over Yorkshire Street".
It would be a serious reduction in public access and an alarming precedent if the towpath across the aqueduct were to be blocked off.
The dangerous stone-throwing behaviour in the area is not limited to the aqueduct and there have been a number of similar incidents at the nearby Gannow motorway roundabout.
Boaters have commented that the police do not take the same interest when youths throw stones at boats from road bridges.
Heres an idea. Instead of blocking the towpath, why not simply PATROL THE AREA AND CATCH THOSE RESPONSIBLE?