Pennine Waterways News

Thursday, 20 December 2018

Leeds and Liverpool lock restrictions lifted

The restricted opening times of lock flights on the Leeds and Liverpool Canal between Wigan and Gargrave are being lifted from Friday 21st December. The Canal and River Trust has announced that reservoir levels have improved.

However, to help ensure that water remains available around Wigan, some overnight closures will be in place. Locks 88 (Pagefield) and 89 (Ell Meadow) will be opened at 8.00 am and locked at 3.00 pm daily. These locks will be padlocked outside of those hours.

Update 21st December:
Following a severe act of vandalism at Blackburn Top Lock, the Blackburn lock flight (52 - 57) will be opened at 10.00 am and locked at 3.00 pm daily with last entry onto the flight at 2.00 pm. Blackburn lock flight will be padlocked outside of those hours.

Ell Meadow Lock, Leeds and Liverpool Canal