Following the closure of Marple Locks on Tuesday, they will re-open on a restricted basis until repair work is complete.
Water was leaking from the pound between Locks 15 and 16, making the locks unusable. After lengthy investigations, the source of the leak was found yesterday evening. A temporary repair had been made and the pound was re-watered by 10.00 pm.
By this morning (2nd August) the repair was still holding, so the boats that were waiting above and below the locks were assisted through the lock flight. The pound between Locks 15 and 16 was then de-watered again and a start made on a permanent repair. The repair work will take until Monday or Tuesday of next week.
Starting tomorrow the locks will be open for passage on a restricted basis at the following times:
- Friday 3rd August: 7.30 am to 12.00 noon.* Closed all pm.
Last entry to Lock 1 (bottom) 9.00 am
Last entry to Lock 16 (top) 11.00 am
Urgent update Saturday 4th August:
The Canal and River Trust has announced that, "due to a safety issue," they have closed Marple Locks until further notice. They say a further update will be available on Monday 6th August.
Update Monday 6th August:
A retaining wall just below Lock 7 has collapsed. The situation has become worse over the weekend. The restricted opening times mentioned above no longer apply and the lock flight will remain closed to navigation. This is a different problem from the leak between Locks 15 and 16 that caused last week's problems. A further update is expected later today once the Canal and River Trust engineer has assessed the situation.
Update Tuesday 7th August:
The Marple flight has re-opened on a restricted basis:
Boats will be able to enter the flight between 9.00 am and 11.00 am only until further notice.
Boats will be assisted between locks 16 and 15 to control water levels. This is to allow the completion of emergency engineering works. Boats should wait for assistance at lock 16 or 15.
Update Friday 10th August:
The Marple flight will continue to operate on a restricted basis until further notice:
Boats will be able to enter the flight between 9.00 am and 11.00 am only until further notice.
Boats will be assisted between locks 16 and 15 to control water levels. This is to allow the completion of emergency engineering works. Boats should wait for assistance at lock 16 or 15.
These restrictions affect boaters navigating the Cheshire Ring.
Any enquiries regarding this stoppage should be made to the River and Canal Trust on 01782 785703.
Update Wednesday 15th August, 4.00 pm
The latest update notice would appear to suggest that the navigation is now open as normal and the restrictions lifted.

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