A four mile stretch of the Aire and Calder Navigation to the east of Leeds has been closed following a serious pollution incident.
The River Aire has been polluted by oil contamination downstream of Leeds Lock. In order to contain the oil and prevent it from spreading, the navigation has been closed between Leeds Lock (by the Royal Armouries and Clarence Basin) and Fishpond Lock, which is to the east of the M1 motorway viaduct. The Canal and River Trust has asked boaters not to proceed between Leeds Lock and Fishpond Lock.
Contractors have already begun to deal with the incident. An update will be issued at lunchtime on Tuesday 21st August.
Enquiries about this stoppage should be made to the Canal and River Trust on 0303 040 4040.
Lemonroyd Lock, between Fishpond Lock and Castleford, is closed this week for urgent repairs, so hopefully the pollution incident will not inconvenience too many boaters.
Update Wednesday 22nd August:
The polution has been cleared and the navigation is now open between Leeds Lock and Fishponds Lock. Lemonroyd Lock is closed this week for urgent repairs. Flood locks further down the Aire and Calder Navigation have been closed this morning.

River Aire downstream of Leeds
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