There could be delays for boaters on the Huddersfield Narrow Canal after the failure of a paddle at Lock 29w at Diggle.
The Canal and River Trust completed an examination of the paddles this morningn and found that the repair is not simple as the paddle frames have to be removed for
the new paddles to be installed. This is a time consuming process.
It is estimated that the canal will be reopened by first thing on Friday morning, 10th August.
The Canal and River Trust will be contacting boaters with bookings for Standedge Tunnel
to discuss their options with them.
Any enquiries about this stoppage should be made to the Canal and River Trust on 01782 785703.
Update Friday 10th August, 6.00 pm:
The repairs to Lock 29w are now complete. However, following difficulties with water resources following completion of the repairs, the Canal and River Trust has decided to keep the flight closed to navigation between locks 24w and 32w over the weekend. (Locks 24w and 32w will be padlocked.) This is to allow water resources to recover fully in time for tunnel passages next week.
Diggle lock flight will re-open on Monday morning, 13th August.

Looking towards Lock 29w at Diggle
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